Voices Of The South Audition Process
As a guest of Voices Of The South, you are encouraged to visit three times to see if you like what we do, and how we do it. If you do, we will guide you through a very simple audition process. Basically, if you can sing Happy Birthday, you can be a member of Voices Of The South! More specifically, a member of our Music Team will meet with you to go over a few things. First, confirm that you can sing Happy Birthday. Second, verify your proper voice part and answer any musical questions you may have. At some point in time, during your first three visits, you will be given a CD and Sheet Music of two Barbershop classics that we use every year for our Singing Valentines program - "Let Me Call You Sweetheart" and "The Story Of The Rose (Heart Of My Heart)" As the final part of your audition process, we ask that you sing one of these songs, with three of our capable singers, in front of the membership! It’s sort of a rite-of-passage that all of us enjoy.